Hi guys,

This week I have delivered together with Mohammad Ali, from the Power BI dataflows team, the session named "Microsoft Power BI: Enterprise-grade BI with Power BI dataflows" (aka "What's new in Power BI Dataflows"). The session video is available here. It also includes the session's slides, downloadable from here (in the page of the session video they are listed under "Other resources").

For convenience, I'm embedding the video here (in this blog post) as well:


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About Me
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Seattle, WA, United States
I am a Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft, and, in particular, the Chief Architect of Microsoft Azure Data Division.
Azure Data subsumes:

1. The Intelligence Platform: Power BI, Azure Analysis Services, Azure Synapse (DataWarehouse, Spark, Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Explorer aka Kusto), Cosmos, Azure Messaging.
2. The operational databases group: SQL Server, Azure SQL DB, Cosmos DB, Azure MySQL, Azure Database for MariaDB.
3. Azure Databricks

I have been working inside Microsoft since 1997, after I have received the MSc degree in computer science from 'Politehnica' University of Bucharest. My responsibilities include technical strategy for the products of the Azure Data, technical tactical guidance for the teams of the division, and ... well ... a lot of coding. I am an author of 49 granted patents, and many more pending. I have received my PhD degree in Computer Science from 'Politehnica' University of Bucharest in 2006.
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