PivotViewer Extension for Reporting Services Session#2
I've produced a new video that dives down into the anatomy of a PivotViewer application for Reporting Services and shows how to build a cool app (original link: http://bit.ly/a0Rho3).
4Demo Video of PivotViewer Extension for Reporting Services
Please see the video where Donald Farmer demonstrates the capabilities of PivotViewer Extension for Reporting Services.
4PivotViewer Extension for Reporting Services Session#1
I've produced a video that demonstrates how to get the PivotViewer Extension for RS installed (including the sample app) and help you get started.
9And It Is Live...
The CTP1 of PivotViewer for Reporting Services has just shipped! Get your free download from here. As I was saying in an earlier post, it is a concept project. It's not supported, and not a feature.